So You Want to Transfer?

All those students planning on transferring to a four year school next fall: Make sure all of your information has been sent to the transfer school! Many deadlines have already past but others will be coming up very soon.

Many students come out of high school expecting college will be exciting and easily handled. Many have no idea what they want to do ... except go to college.

Knowing what you want is important. You need to pick a direction. You need to know that your path is achievable. Planning that path is vital.

Transferring to a four year school is a process not just an event. Talk to a counselor as you plan your future.

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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Annual Anderson Leadership Conference

The Annual Anderson Leadership Conference will take place on February 9, 2013 in Schewel Hall at Lynchburg College!  This conference includes workshops from faculty, students, community members, and staff! Students from surrounding colleges are encouraged to attend this amazing conference, and it's only $10!  The Anderson Leadership Conference is a one day event featuring inspiring & fun workshops, gifts, give-aways, and lunch with networking from local community and business leaders! You don't want to miss Lynchburg College's premiere leadership conference featuring the theme of "Authentic Leadership!" 


11:15am – 11:45am: Check-In

Hall Campus Ballroom

12pm: Welcome, Keynote & Luncheon

Hall Campus Ballroom

1:30pm: Workshop Sessions

Schewel Hall

4:30pm: Closing Remarks

Sydnor Performance hall

I want more information!

Follow us on Twitter @AndersonLeader1 and look for our Facebook page for more information and updates about the conference!

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at